3 years ago
Woolwich, Ontario
Woolwich, Ontario
Woolwich, Ontario
Woolwich, Ontario
Woolwich, Ontario
I walk past security (before this house (not in this album) ) I had no idea that there was security on this site, but I half expected it. He waved at me, and I smiled and waved back. As I passed the greenhouses there was a man there, seemed to be picking up metal. I was quite confused at this point, as was this man that was picking up, whatever he was picking up. I figured a squatter TBH, but its not the greatest spot. SO I carried on and then once I had a chance, I doublebacked back at the barn with trees obscuring me from security. I made it to the barn. It was half collapsed. The greenhouses when I got there were also in rough shape, and a portion of them was AWOL. I shot the BARN, HOUSE, GREENHOUSES, in that order.