Ontario Abandoned Places will be rebranded as Ominous Abandoned Places

Sandhills Baptist Cemetery

Historic Location Cemetery in Woolwich, Ontario, Canada

Nov 23 2012

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Recent status Historic Location
Location # 5863

I was actually out yesterday hoping to find some new locations, but only had luck with a couple cemeteries. I almost missed this as it is nestled back among some trees, back from the road.

There was originally a Church on this spot as well, it is now gone. The congregation was started in 1852 by Henry Schneider, who was the Pastor of the Church. He was also the first Pastor of Benton Street Baptist Church, earlier known as The German Baptist Church which closed in the early 1890's. The gravestones have all been moved into the two rows as you can see, and the property is still maintained by Woolwich Township.


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12 years ago

All the Stones appear to be in the German language. First time I've seen that.