Ontario Abandoned Places will be rebranded as Ominous Abandoned Places

134 Old Mill Road - From The Home To The Hospital

Demolished Farm/Cottage, House in Cambridge, Ontario

Dec 14 2021

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#2 I hit. And it HIT me a bit harder than the average. I done appropriations before. I did one fairly recently. I found it rather boring. BUT THIS, I found quite sad. So its 2 older folks it seems. I cant say what happened to the wife, or where she is. The husband (or father as the notes were written to PSW's presumably from the daughter) was not in great shape it seems. On diuretics (found in the basement) possibly with a catheter (some kind of medical supply on the bed, didnt look to hard and it could have been the wifes things ect). The photographed note on the main floor bedroom read, paraphrasing “my father does not need help in and out of bed anymore and he can do it with the lift” & “good news, my father has been accepted to Freeport […]”

Freeport from what I think I know, has broadened their services to include some mental health related things, but for the most part, Freeport is an end-of-the-line hospital. Its a place most people go into and are not great needing long term care, and usually the dont make it out….These poor folks probably truthfully wanted to die here in peace. And now their daughter (and maybe another kid, unknown) seem to not be able to deal with most of the former estate. Its sad to me. Im glad I am able to type this up, and wait for the album to upload, and then start to edit more after going out and shooting things…all while knowing that my housing situation is stable, and I wont have to be concerned and worried about having to uproot and move, for an industrial site that shouldnt even be.

Good air. Lots of light. Neat items left behind. Bit of a sad story it narrates for The City Of Cambridge and its future. As I said on the social media, Appropriated to be demolished so the people who owned these can live unhappily ever after. 
And so Capitalism dictates. And the world goes round.

134 Old Mill Road - From The Home To The Hospital - IMG_9961.JPG
Shot from Old Mill Road. "NO TRESPASSING" LOLOL. On we go...
134 Old Mill Road - From The Home To The Hospital - IMG_9823.JPG
The garage that is not connected to the house.
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Not connected garage door handle. Maybe it points North.
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This house, lots of stuff will be demolished.
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The dresser with mirror at the back of the garage.
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Karens. There are lots out there.
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Lookin at the front. I kinda like the door.
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134 Old Mill Road - From The Home To The Hospital - IMG_9833.JPG
OMG the old school stereo stuff here, was sweet.
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IDK WHO he is, but he looks like that balloon(?) is giving him a HELL of a time.
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Back of the house. Left side box (garage was the first stop).
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Sliding door to the rear glass addition.
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To the front of the garage. I debated going up the ladder, but I dont think there is a THING up there.
134 Old Mill Road - From The Home To The Hospital - IMG_9958.JPG
To the back of the garage.


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