Ontario Abandoned Places will be rebranded as Ominous Abandoned Places

Black River Abandoned Vehicles

Abandoned Other in Kawartha Lakes, Ontario, Canada

Mar 17 2012

 |  2522
 |  0
Recent status Abandoned
Location # 4209

A few abandoned vehicles located about 500m before Victoria Falls in the Queen Elizabeth II Wildlands Park. The vehicles are located on the north side of Black River road. Look for a path or tire tracks leading away from the road. Some of these vehicles were likely used as hunting shelters. There are ruins of primitive shacks nearby. The Ontario Parks pdf (link included) identifies locations of trapper cabins deeper into the park, but I have not been past Victoria Falls. Victoria Falls is a great place to visit for a day. Camping is no longer permitted despite what it says in the outdated Ontario Parks pdf. There are no camping signs at various locations. I assume camping is longer allowed due to damage caused/garbage left by others.


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12 years ago

Amazing. Love old cars!


12 years ago

The map marker is to identify Vic Falls, where the road crosses the river, but I can't seem to position it exactly.


12 years ago

I am dying to know exact location of these and that fallen over cabin. Camping is no longer allowed due to the garbage mess and cos a kid died when he went over the falls a few yrs ago.


12 years ago

I have been to Victoria Falls on several occasions, but never seen these vehicles before.


12 years ago

Damn... I was right by here last year but didn't venture this far into the area. Great find!


12 years ago

Nice set! a little paint and that van would be rockin' lol


12 years ago

That van is awesome!