Ontario Abandoned Places will be rebranded as Ominous Abandoned Places

October 2020

Under Construction Commercial in Ottawa, Ontario

Oct 31 2020

 |  1856
 |  1

The first trip to the graffitti'd exterior of the former Thermotech window factory. A very colourful visit.

View of the factory from the car before our explore.
A shattered window
An ironic reference to the state of the factory today
The melted entrance to the orange trailer.
Somehow the wooden steps still stand
Rear view of the trailer
The back wall is surprisingly intact compared to the front wall and sides.
Paint roll
Lying outside the side of the trailer is an unassuming paint roller, reflecting all the graffitii that covers the building.
A message painted on the brick greets you upon arrival.
'Do not open'
Messages like these spray painted around as well as the bordered up doors and windows had my exploring buddy and I just stick to the outside today.
Back of the building.
Sign reads 'NetGain Windows' next to the Thermotech logo.


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