Ontario Abandoned Places will be rebranded as Ominous Abandoned Places
Other nearby Locations Sudbury, Unorganized, North Part

Railroad Tie Building

Demolished Barn in Sudbury, Unorganized, North Part, Ontario, Canada

Nov 16 2009

 |  1265
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Recent status Demolished
Location # 959

While driving around Burwash with some friends, we came upon this Railroad Tie building (which isn(a)t too hard to miss by the way). I(a)m sure many of you have seen the building before, but hey, it(a)s still pretty cool.

I have no idea if it(a)s still being used, but there seems to be a few small rooms inside, but there is no real way in since all three sets of doors are bolted shut from the inside, and one of them has a lock on it (once again from the inside, only reachable through a hole in the "front door

new info: I was speaking with a friend who has a little bit of information about this place... through "a guy at work" he was told that this place is actually used by the police department as a "shooting range/training facility". Which is still kinda cool!


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4 months ago

This location has been demolished as of 2024