Ontario Abandoned Places will be rebranded as Ominous Abandoned Places

Golden Mile Mystery Building

Demolished House in Sarnia, Ontario, Canada

Apr 01 2013

 |  2375
 |  0
Recent status Demolished
Location # 6563

My first posting! This area in Sarnia used to be called the Golden Mile. You almost can't see it because of the overgrowth. The house looks like it dates from the late 1800's, it dosn't look too bad, the inside is a different story. It was broken into after sitting empty. The mystery building behind is an old cement block structure that I became quite fascinated with. It looks almost industrial, I can only speculate as to its original use, a farm/auto repair shop, a fabricating or machine shop, and there is an old neon sign with a tree growing over it, the tree is in the way but it looks like the large word on it spells out "Bimbo's" and on another part of the sign I can make out "Root beer"! Maybe this place bottled soda. There are several old cars here as well. The building is crumbling and the roof is gone if you go there be very carefull! Also I didn't notice any no trespassing signs, there is a keep out sign on the house, I didn't park out front or walk down the lane, I walked in from behind. This area back here is slated for development in a few years so I don't imagine this will be here too much longer.


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10 years ago

Does anyone know if the house is still standing?. I'm been looking for it but can't find it


11 years ago

I never was good at stealth or the sublime f.o.s. ....: )


11 years ago

I'd watch out for whoever knows you'll be here on_____ { Update! Date very stealthily deleted by SOAP}...which is everyone ;) {Update! Which is now no one}


11 years ago

Considering checking this location out for a photo project, anything I should watch out for, or be aware of ?.....cheers SOAP


11 years ago

That sign may have nothing to do with the place, but I think it might.


11 years ago

Welcome, nice addition.


11 years ago

Cool location, the old neon sign and the fury sell it. i been up and down that stretch a bunch before and never noticed this here, i'll be checking this one out soon.