12 years ago
Jose's Noodle Factory
Guelph, Ontario
Guelph, Ontario
Guelph, Ontario
Mapleton, Ontario
Guelph/Eramosa, Ontario
Guelph, Ontario
Recent status | Arson |
Location # | 6053 |
Nice old stone farmhouse near Eramosa. A recent abandonment. No serious decay happening yet, a little bit in places. Still liveable with some cleaning and re-plastering. There's 2 staircases, one leading to a single room loft. New furnace and air ducts. New windows and plumbing. (this sounds like an MLS ad) :) A couple large outbuildings for cattle or horses. Nice hidden property.
Demolished due to arson - October 2016
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Ya cerulean and I were talking about it last week and were planning on going soon to check if this was the one..
Ya thanks, I thought you had the house in the wrong place as I didnt remember a road there until I looked closer and figured it out lol, thanks to street view.
The driveway was a main road at one time and straight [back in 1880]. The property was also owned by W. Smith back in 1880.Thanks Trailpro.
Ya , just stumbled on this myself today, nice long driveway, great views. From forgotten mail it looks like a Gregory Klug was the last owner/renter. A google search revealed a Greg Klug is the owner of Eromosa Electric and is still in business, which would mean that the wiring in here would be good. Seems like it could be the same guy being this is in Eromosa. Very solid floors and little damage.
It's in good shape.....weird and wonderful that the doors were open, but it def looks like it's been empty for a while. Lazy boy is pretty dusty
Pretty amazing if you were fortunate enough to walk right into this place through an open door.
Nope, no 'For Sale' sign. But if i could i would probly buy it, could probably be had for much less than market value.
8 years ago
Confirmed - Cerulean and I went for a drive this evening, and sadly this is one of the arson houses. Just a pile of rubble now, the only stone walls remaining are in the basement. We arrived at dusk so our pictures didn't turn out that great..