Ontario Abandoned Places will be rebranded as Ominous Abandoned Places

Scenic Farm on Township Rd. 3

Arson House in Guelph/Eramosa, Ontario, Canada

Nov 10 2012

 |  2896
 |  0
Recent status Arson
Location # 5779

Abandoned stone farmhouse with a long laneway.

Update by Skye_Ann: This century-old home was torched on February 3rd at approx. 3AM. The entire home was gutted and subsequently demolished. Link to the news article in the "External Links" section.


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8 years ago

All our beautiful places are being burned down. :(


8 years ago

Holy Christ!! Now this one?!?.. The police should place some random trail cams at random abandonments in the area. They're bound to catch the a**holes eventually..


8 years ago

This house was demolished due to Arson today... Guelph Regional Police are investigating this, along with several other local arsons to abandoned homes/properties.


10 years ago

Use that battery operated clip-on OFF, then just replace the poison and batteries, works 4 me, no spray. Thanks for the update shots.



10 years ago



10 years ago

Amazing location!! To anyone who's planning on going there anytime soon, don't forget to wear bug spray... Me and Finzs got attacked by mosquitos


11 years ago

Great additions people & super house.


11 years ago

To all who visited this place during the meet (or in the future), don't miss the opportunity to compare Phrenzee's original gallery of shots of pristine rooms from 5 years ago to the incredible level of paint decay seen yesterday. What a stunning decline, but so much more beautiful now.


11 years ago

@mobileworks thank you! It was a pleasure to explore with you guys! I just wish we could have seen it before all the vandalism, but the place still has lovely bones.


11 years ago

Great winter shots F.O.S. and you explore in style ! That one room looks like its covered in those sticky fly strips, just weird. I can't believe what this place used to look like. That paint does not want to be on those walls anymore. This was a great choice and glad I was part of the camera assault team.


12 years ago

what a bummer this place was, totally trashed!!


12 years ago

@rr......ya, really pisses me off when I see places are trashed.


12 years ago

Vandals......Can't stand them!!!