Ontario Abandoned Places will be rebranded as Ominous Abandoned Places

Beautiful Fanshawe House

Demolished House in London, Ontario, Canada

Aug 18 2012

 |  2033
 |  0
Recent status Demolished
Location # 5230

I do not know to much about this house we were going to look at the house beside it but we could not get in it. So we took a look around this one instead and found we could get in. I will be looking into this house and as soon as i get info i will update.

Added by Meaghandiane: Abandoned five bedroom manor in great condition, appears to be abandoned only within the last couple of years. Not a lot of furniture or items left inside. There is a pool and a small pond in the backyard.


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10 years ago

Drove past it yesterday and today, front door is wide open.


10 years ago

Recently reboarded, regretfully.


10 years ago

Yesterday I saw someone at this location. I was going to stop and act like a PO but didn't have time.


10 years ago

No easy point of entry as of yesterday. Some of the windows are boarded up. Some are unboarded, but closed and locked.


10 years ago

Windows have been smashed and now its boarded.


12 years ago

Locked up tight :(


12 years ago

Weird, the back door was wide open and I was there just a a few days before you guys !


12 years ago

i tryed today and it was locked up tight. Power is ON also.


12 years ago

This is a great location, still in good condition. I'd check it out sooner than later for i have a feeling that a housing development company may be interested in the land.


12 years ago

I agree fm location would be a good idea


12 years ago

can you see it from the road


12 years ago

Maybe make this a fm location.


12 years ago

I would move in there .


12 years ago

Awesome location. Untouched by vandals.