1 year ago
wine house
Subcounty, State
Subcounty, State
Subcounty, State
Subcounty, State
Subcounty, State
Subcounty, State
Recent status | Demolished |
Location # | 4430 |
this is the oldest house i have found so far, i can tell that the house is very old because the origional facade is board & batten and the house has split-ath and plaster walls and no plumbing or electricity! there isnt any vandilism and thatis really suprising because ofhow close the house is to the road, and there is a little garage out front too. there is a cistern to the east of the house that has not been capped and has a very large opening!!!!!
12 years ago
the first time i saw it was 16 years ago and it was abondoned then but i think its been much more than that :)