Ontario Abandoned Places will be rebranded as Ominous Abandoned Places

Medway Road Violated Beauty

Demolished House in Middlesex Centre, Ontario, Canada

Dec 11 2011

 |  846
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Recent status Demolished
Location # 3607

Was so happy to see the familiar signs of decay setting in from the road...curtains blowing out the upper windows, boarded up lower windows...um...giant holes in the exterior walls?

At first I thought this had been a burner, as there were some apparent scorch marks on the exterior walls. I don(a)t think so...inside there is really no fire damage except for where some morons have burnt the walls.

Furniture is all gone except for a broken up cabinet, some interior doors are bashed in, sheer curtains remain in the windows. Did not go into the basement, so check that out if you visit. Barn has been reclaimed and there is a sign indicating this was done but I forget the details or company that did it. Google street view shows the place occupied and with a white picket fence, so it hasn't been that long vacated.

I visited Saturday but was as always on a time crunch, so shot some pics but did not go upstairs. So of course I obsessed Saturday night and made sure to go back Sunday to take care of the upper floor.

Will look for history at some point.


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12 years ago

Awww...crap. Wasn't necessarily going to return, but damn. This place had awesome bargeboard! I hope some fan of history bought it up and recycled it!


12 years ago

This one has been demolished.


13 years ago

this was indeed a practice house for police/swat. My friend Co-oped with the london police and said that the posters were EXACTLY the same as the ones they used while training


13 years ago

Hey Doom, the poster was on the floor in one of the bedrooms! i love that even though we all frequent the same places it's great to see other people's photos everyone seems to have their own prespective of each place. The basement was definately flooded it was a sheet of ice did not go down there.


13 years ago

urban: glad you got a chance to visit that pink kitchen lol...that additional poster must have been on the floor or rolled up as I did not see it. It's as cheesy or cheesier than the other ones! phrenzee said the basement is flooded. Did you get a chance to find out how badly?


13 years ago

Hey I happen to love the pink kitchen :)


13 years ago

A calendar from 1926, good gawd thats unreal!


13 years ago

great find .this is one of the best ones i have seen so far....


13 years ago

After much eye strain consulting the 1878 atlas (the map for london is turned on it's side if viewed online) I can place the property as being owned at the time by a Frederick Fitzgerald.


13 years ago

yup i would say police


13 years ago

Second gallery added.


13 years ago

Got another 20 pics to be posted shortly.


13 years ago

That's what I was saying to OAP...the woodwork is amazing, the trim over the bay windows almost seems to hefty for the size of the house. And in great shape too.


13 years ago

Hmm...interesting. Serene for my two visits, thankfully. I'll post another gallery, mostly of the upstairs but also of the remnants of the barn.