9 years ago
Doomed Tomb (1289 AD)
Subcounty, State
Subcounty, State
Subcounty, State
Subcounty, State
Subcounty, State
Subcounty, State
Recent status | Demolished |
Location # | 3578 |
A rather disappointing party house, this house has been recently abandoned and has absolutely no decay inside. On the inside there is a bit of broken glass, but other than that it looks absolutely new. Another house in this area has been torn down, and this house itself is surrounded by rather wealthy properties, and it will probably be torn down before it can decay properly.
This house was once taken on by Kasa constructions, not sure what happened to that contract.
EDIT: The blue fence around the house has been removed, and the yard is being cleaned up. The inside however, is now totally trashed. Not sure the fate of this house, will be keeping an eye on it.
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Looks like there waiting for demolition permits. those are rental fences and there usually temporary.
yes! it is an iron homemade jesus i found in the cupboard. honestly it was the most interesting aspect of the house.
12 years ago
Another abandoned house in the neighborhood was just demolished, so i'll have to keep an eye on this one.