Ontario Abandoned Places will be rebranded as Ominous Abandoned Places

The Clown Zone

Demolished Recreational, Commercial in Kitchener, Ontario, Canada

Jul 06 2021

 |  3196
 |  1
Recent status Demolished
Location # 17676

Earlier today I came across a meme with a picture of this building. I immediately recognized it and commented that I lived only a few minutes away. I was asked to take some pictures, so I did. I figured I'd post it on here too and was surprised to see it hadn't been reported before. Here's what I know/was able to find out about this place:

It used to be the Ray of Hope building and/or possibly a gas station but from what I remember it's been abandoned for years and years. An artist gave it the “clown” paint job sometime this year to make it less of an eye sore. Apparently it is destined to be torn down and turned into condos. The place is sealed up pretty tight, all of the entrances look like they were boarded up and then obviously painted over.


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9 months ago

Demolished now.


9 months ago

Saw that recently as well. The Service Station right next to it which was boarded for a while has also been demolished


1 year ago

Took a gander tonight. will upload pics if good. But super dusty & dark asf with out lights. It seemed like I was one big open area but it's open. As of 20 mins ago


1 year ago

Chainlink fence'd.


2 years ago

Scrappers had gone through it awhile before it was painted. And squatters used it off and on as well but the city owns it and hired the artists to paint the property to clean up the dt area. Besides a beautiful art piece every now and than a flag salesman posts up shop.


3 years ago

Ive never seen it open as a business either but the side door used to be locked. Its what I had tried as there is no other doors really.


3 years ago

Interesting. The bay door sort of rings a bell. I've been by this place so many times over the years but I don't remember a sign or it ever looking "open".


3 years ago

IMPENETRABLE FOR YEARS. And I think it still is. I tried to go at it a few times. WRPS LOVES to park in the church parking lot across the road. Facing this place. It is less of an eyesore for sure! EDIT: "The Firm" AKA the artist, is actually a collective of artists. EDIT2: It looked like it was an auto shop. Bay door. I think a hoist inside. Before boards I recall Christmas donations(?) stored in there. It had power still and I think an alarm at that time.