Ontario Abandoned Places will be rebranded as Ominous Abandoned Places

Ashley Gold Mine

Abandoned Mine in Matachewan, Ontario, Canada

Jun 22 2018

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Recent status Abandoned
Location # 15383

[b] 1930-1931 - Gold Discovered by Bert Ashley - Incorporated the Ashley Gold Mining Corporation, Limited- Optioned to Mining Corporation of Canada, Limited. Silver Mining -
Gold was first discovered on the property in 1930, which soon resulted in the establishment of the Ashley Gold Mining Corporation, Limited. The whole entire property was rather first discovered by a well known prospector who acted as a director for other mining sydicates, and firms. His very own gold discovery was rather considered to also contain a good percentage of Silver content that was associated with this property. With good indications of Silver and Gold it was now being optioned to the Mining Corporation of Canada, Limited. For the most part this company also operated other silver mining projects in Cobalt, and South Lorraine, Ontario, Canada. It was at this time period when the company had decided to commence development planning on the historical Ashley Gold Mine Project. Before the Ashley Mine had went into gold production it was also additionally first started as a silver mine production with the gold content going to the mine owners.

As development had taken place it soon resulted in very good ore grades to bring this production into operation as quickly as possible. This also resulted in the erection of a 150 tonne milling facility that was delivered to the property, and expected to be in production by the end of that year. In general being this development had also resulted in the building of a roadway into this property. There was also a contract made with the Northern Ontario Power Company to provide, and develop a power transmission line with a transformer station. Almost all of this contract work was rather scheduled to be completely finish by March, 1st, which will allow several more machines to operate. Further planning was being aimed to bring this historical mine production into operation by 1932.

It was also within this time period when the property owned by the Ashley Gold Mining Corporation, Limited was under extensive development. Almost all development was aimed at constructing a 48 mile snow road from Elk Lake, Ontario, to the mine site. With the road constructed the company was able to haul in the much needed mining equipment, and supplies into the mine site on February, and was completed in March. Other development that took place was the installation of the necessary steam compressor plant with a 5 drill capacity, and a camp to accommodate 85 miners. As the mine continued to rapidly become developed it was now undergoing more expansion phases. It was rather at this time period when the company decided to sink a three compartment shaft on the footwall of the Ashley Vein in March of that year. This whole entire major development soon resulted in sinking the three compartment shaft to a depth of 500 feet below the surface. Mean while the company also completed 1,200 feet of crosscutting, and drifting on the four levels within this time period. In addition to this it was stated by the company that development of the four levels had claimed to be very satisfactory. More so the company also had reported that the lack of time prevented them for completing more lateral development in 1931. For the most part diamond drilling could not be indicated for a distance of 360 feet on all four of these levels. Diamond drilling on the Ashley Vein has however proven a continuation of 1,200 feet to the north, and south ends, and contains commercial grade gold values. Even development within this time period had confirmed the diamond drill result in the same horizons as to width, and assay. Power at the time was not delivered to this facility in March as it was delayed do to bad weather conditions prior to winter. Once this becomes completed it will allow for additional electrically driven compressor that will provide the power source to operate 10 to 12 underground drills.

The ore from the Ashley Mine was rather stated to have also been easily treated with straight cyanidation, and low chemical consumption. In addition to this the 150 tonne cyanide mill was officially completed by the end of that year following good results from the Ashley Mine at depth. Almost all of this work was officially approved by the directors in January, 1932, with the order of the much need equipment to be delivered. Further plans were aimed to start construction in the spring with the mill being fully operation by the end of that year.

Musher Group - Some explorations also continued outside of the Ashley Gold Mine Property but proved to have inconclusive results.

[b]McGill Gold Mines, Limited [/b]
Another option was taken on a group of 19 claims that was located three miles northwest of the Ashley Mine. A major diamond drilling, and trenching phase was carried out by the historical McGill Gold Mines, Limited. For the most part this was done within distance to a rich gold bearing float in order to uncover the vein it had originated from. With this taking place the company was able to uncover two quartz vein but was uncertain that this was from the original float.

[b]1932 - Mining Corporation of Canada, Limited option Ashley Gold mine - Owned by Ashley Gold Mining Corporation, Limited. Change to gold mining. Ore that was milled in 1932 had amounted to 6,805 tonnes, which recovered 2,960 ounces of gold (Au), and 388 ounces of Silver (Ag).[/b]

It was at this time period when gold production at the Ashley Mine had officially stop the production of Silver Mining by the corporation. As development continued to take place the company had expanded this operation far more when the three compartment shaft was completed to a depth of 570 feet below the shaft collar. Other major development within that time period had also resulted in the development of waste passes put through between the three bottom levels at 250, 375, and 500 foot levels. Company officials from the corporation had also stated that drifting on all the levels was rather very satisfactory. In several cases this development resulted in the shipment of the much needed equipment to build the 150 tonne cyanide mill. The whole entire construction of the milling facility was commenced in May, and was completed in August, with Gold production starting in September, 1932. With the mine continuing to expand the company had now obtained the much need electrical power source to speed up development, and the preparation of stopes. Other major construction within that year had officially built a roadway suitable for motor traffic, which was constructed by the Ontario Government. Far more explorations, and development had also proven that the Ashley Vein was a narrow but high-grade vein that had so far been indicated to a depth of 500 feet.[b] Gold Values within this vein area were rather considered to have average $15.00 over a width of 30 inches. Other statements from the company suggested that the 4th or 500 foot level was rather considered to show consistent ore conditions. Much of the ore on the latter level is considered to be one continuous ore shoot that travels for a length of 950 feet. [/b]

[b]Much of the formation to the North of the Ashley Vein is considered to intersect a east-west granite porphyry dike. A small amount of drifting was reported to have continued a short distance beyond this dike, which resulted in low grade mill ore. Further diamond drilling within this granite porphyry dike had soon resulted in more commercial grade ore that was indicated at several hundred feet from the present face. Other statements stated that south section of this mine had indicated an east-west fault that displace the Ashley Vein for more than 85 feet to the west. For the most part it strongly stated that the southern extension to the Ashley vein had shown a narrower but fair grade vein system. There is also another vein that's parallel to the Ashley Vein, and lies 280 feet to the west and was uncovered by diamond drilling. The whole entire ground is rather considered to be much broken by minor faulting but shows better grade than the Ashley Vein over a 30 inch width. Even more development occurred when the company decided to sink a winze shaft (No.1) on the 400 foot level of the Ashley Vein. In general being this winze was considered to have been collared at a distance of 350 feet south of the shaft, and had reach a depth of 125 feet. For the most part it was planned for the use of future stoping operations before it proved normal vein condition to continue for the full length attained. Another vertical winze was also sunk on the 500 foot level, and had reach its own depth of 200 feet. This development also resulted in developing two new levels on the mines 625 and 750 foot levels on the inclination of the vein. Crosscut section within these two newly constructed levels were reported to have shown faulted conditions in their vicinity. For the most part this area is considered to be local, and coincides in a general way with similar limited section on the levels above. All development of the Ashley vein was considered to have also supplied a mill feed for one full year of production that was done at a rate of 75 tonnes daily. More so much of this mill feed was reported to have been taken above the 500 foot level of the Ashley Vein. Ore reserves had also slightly increased by the end of that year, and predictions had also stated that the mine could have a life of two more years above the 750 foot level. Other statements had also stated that the newly discovered west vein would also add to this production as development proceeded. [/b]

For the most part the actual gold production for that year was considered to have not been indicative of normal condition, as the tonnage was very low while the mill was being tuned up. Even much of the concentration of gold in the mill circuit was considered to be quite high that corresponded to that of a 150 tonne milling facility, but only had a daily production rate of 75 tonnes. The head assay of the gold going to the mill in October was $15.57, in November, $15.72, and December, $18.76 per a tonne. Ore production from the Ashley Vein was rather stated to have went through special hand sorting, and stoping methods do to the narrow charicture of this vein. These type of methods had also resulted in higher per a tonne costs but were also lowered by increasing mill production. Milling within this time period was now being operated at a scale of 110 tonnes per a day but would become increased when development becomes favorable. Even further explorations on the discovery of other veins was limited during this time period by present development, and production program. Other company statements had stated that trenching within this area was considered to have been impossible due to the overburden. [b]Even the whole vicinity of the Ashley Vein was reported to have been widely unexplored during this time period. Recommendations had stated that this area should be either explored by crosscutting, or diamond drilling procedures.

McGill Gold Mines Limited -[/b] Nothing else was reported to have been done on the option of 19 claims held by this company. This also resulted in a stock interest which was retained from all the money that became spent in the previous year.

Quemont Mining Corporation, Limited - The Ashley-Garvey property that was optioned by this company was considered to have idle during this time period. It was additionally purchase for a sum of $25,000 for a 7% interest in this claim, and another 25,000 was given as a stock interest by the Mining Corporation of Canada, Limited.

[b]Mr.Thompson[/b] had also conducted a mineralographic study on the Ashley Vein, and had identified the following ten metallic minerals: Pyrite, Galena, Native Gold, Altaite, chalcopyrite, sphalerite, hematite, krennerite, magnetite, and pyrrohotite. It was rather stated that this was the first report on occurrences of telluride minerals in the Matachewan Area.

[b]1933 - Ashley Gold Mining Corporation, Limited - A total of 37,975 tonnes was milled, which recovered 16,962.63 ounces of gold (Au), and 2,375 ounces of silver (Ag).[/b]
Development was rather confined to developing the newly constructed winze levels at 625, and 750 foot. It was rather stated that this area was connected to major faulting on the two new levels. The whole entire fault zone is considered to strike northeasterly, and dips at about 45 degrees to the east. Other statements stated that this fault was rather normal but had intersected the Ashley Vein between the 500 and 600 foot levels[b]. For the most part the Ashley Vein is known to have a strike to the north and the south, and dips to the west. Lateral development on the 500 foot level was stated to have displace the Ashley vein at a distance of 200 feet to the west on the 500 foot level. This also resulted in developing crosscut sections towards the faulted sections on the 500 and 625 foot levels. Once the crosscuts had reach the faulted section a drift was now being driven to the north while following the vein. In addition to this it was rather stated that a short section was developed before another major fault had cut the vein off on the 625 foot level. Even more company statements had stated that the strike of the B' fault was almost parallel with the Ashley vein. Drifting to the north on the 500 foot level was stated to have not reached this fault section for a length of 700 feet. Company officials also predicted that longer section will be developed on the 250, and 375 foot levels before the B' Fault it reached. Further diamond drilling had proved that the displacement between the A' and B' Fault is considered to be over 500 feet long. Drilling from underground also had proven the extension of the Ashley Vein to the west that had not been reached by crosscutting yet. Much of the ore that was developed on the three levels of the first faulted section of the Ashley Vein is known to carry more erratic gold values than the original section. The grading from this section is also considered to be much lower with results of 0.35 to 0.40 ounces per a tonne with an average width of 30 inches. These faulted sections are rather also considered to be reached by the shaft, and winze operation. In other parts the mine these fault sections are considered to be only reached by crosscuts to the west. It was at this time when the company's workforce of 130 miners had completed a total of 3,254 feet of drifting, 2,551 feet of crosscutting, 656 feet of raising, and 127 feet of sinking. [/b]

Production from the mill had treated a total of 37,975 tonnes of at a grade of 0.456 per a tonne of ore. From all of this tonnage the mill was able to produce a gold bullion of $497,969 in all production that year. [b]All the gold which was tied up in the mill circuit at the time had also totalled 1,800 ounces of gold from all production that year.[/b] Much of the tailing within that year had average 0.20 cents a tonne, which indicated an extraction of 98%, Almost all the stopes within the Ashley Vein are considered to also have their own average width of 36 inches. Even the waste rock was considered to have been sorted out before being milled as a lot of it was mainly overburden of the wall rock. The whole entire milling facility was credited for treating a total of 44,780 tonnes of ore that produce 22,431 ounces of gold or 0.501 per a tonne of ore mined. In total gross recovery the company had ended up shipping a total of $568,110 in bullion that year.

Even further plans were being made when the company wanted to place addition to increase the mill tonnage in 1934, Treatment of the ore also was considered to have been quite high due to the vein being very narrow within the Ashley Gold Mine. Development within 1934 is mainly being focus on opening up the third fault section of the Ashley vein zone, while drifting on the four upper levels to the north, and south.

[b]1934 - Ashley Gold Mining Corporation, Limited - Ore milled totalled 43,532 tonnes, which recovered 13,182.48 ounces of gold (Au), and 2,023 ounces of silver (Ag).[/b]
It was during this time period when much of the faulted sections within the Ashley Vein were considered to also be the normal faulted section situated


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