Ontario Abandoned Places will be rebranded as Ominous Abandoned Places

Kids in the House

Demolished House in North Middlesex, Ontario, Canada

Jun 21 2017

 |  820
 |  0
Recent status Demolished
Location # 14745

Old style farmhouse, structural sound but open to the elements. This is just down the road from another location (14327).

Loads of kids toys, everywhere. You name it, its here, these children had every toy known to man. Fresh food in the cupboard, help yourself. Some decent furniture, personal items and paperwork. Pay stub says that Bronson Bullock was the last resident here.

Nieghbours are in sight across the road, no other real hazards that I noticed.


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5 years ago

Aww man. I think this one is demolished.


7 years ago

This was one of the houses I wasn't 100% sure about, nice job on getting inside. There's also a blue one nearby as well.