6 years ago
Abandoned Wading Pool
London, Ontario
London, Ontario
Adelaide-Metcalfe, Ontario
Southwest Middlesex, Ontario
London, Ontario
Southwest Middlesex, Ontario
Recent status | Demolished |
Location # | 13537 |
COMING DOWN SOON! This old wooden house , possibly an old hotel, boarding house, originally, circa. 1800, is now beyond economical repair. It sits on an active dog kennel and ironically the last resident[George Campbell], of this monster of a house raised beagles here, before moving into the small house beside. George was also very tough. He had two active BEE hives in two closets[ upstairs to the right] and would just open the door and scoop some honey, into a jar, with unprotected hands, face!! This guy could have raised pit bulls. The present owners Wendy and Tim have owned this property for four years and wanted to fix, the Coach house[as they call it], up but it was too far gone when they got it and just haven't got around to tearing it down. They were very receptive to me and more then likely any one else, but hurry. Approach the owners first as the many dogs will announce your presence way before, anyway. This is also on an Indian Reservation. FM as basic may overwhelm them. If you have a dog, bring it and you will be even more welcome.
UPDATE 2022 - This location was demolished several years ago and is now a pile of rubble.
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Great location! Thanks for the history lesson too. Must have a grand hotel in its day, sad to see it go. Beautifully photographed.
8 years ago
Thanks Tim, I try to take my time when I can, shooting and editing. This huge building really hits you in the face as you round the corner, so close to the road. The owners want to use the outside boards for furniture, so it will suffer a slow photographic death if they keep me informed.