Ontario Abandoned Places will be rebranded as Ominous Abandoned Places

Canadian Pacific Police Station

Demolished Railway in Toronto, Ontario, Canada

May 15 2015

 |  3205
 |  2
Recent status Demolished
Location # 12023

The Canadian Pacific Railroad Police have experienced cut backs in the past couple of years and this location shows just that.


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1 year ago

anyone been recently? just wondering if its actually been repurposed or not?


1 year ago

I checked out where it supposedly is and it seems to have been demolished


4 years ago

Seems to be turned into a Trucking company office now.


2 years ago

Nope still just sitting there


8 years ago

I went here on Saturday with three other friends. Power is still running to the building. One of my friends played with the panel and tripped an alarm, which we shut off. (I told him not to touch anything.)


9 years ago

won't be long before a POE opens up here judging by the spray paint...