Ontario Abandoned Places will be rebranded as Ominous Abandoned Places

Guild Inn

Active Motel/Hotel in Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Mar 11 2009

 |  4852
 |  1
Recent status Active
Location # 576

The Guild Inn in Scarborough was build as a private estate about 1914. It was bought by Rosa Hewetson in 1932. She and her husband Spencer Clark turned it into a haven for artists. During World War II it was a military hospital.

During the 1960(a)s Clark collected many stone facades from buildings being demolished in downtown Toronto and created a unique architectural collection on the grounds.

The Clarks sold the home to Metro Toronto. A 6 storey 100 room east wing was added in the 1960(a)s. The hotel and restaurant were closed in 2001. It(a)s a pity. The restaurant was very nice and it is a great location for a resort type hotel yet readily accessible to downtown via the Guildwood GO station.


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3 years ago

No longer abandoned - now an event space (same people as the Atlantis nightclub, iirc).


7 years ago

This has been completely redone and now appears to be an event hall of some sort... I was down there the other day and someone was having a wedding!


8 years ago

An amazing site to explore and some great photographic opportunities at literally every turn


8 years ago

A sign at the park says that the building is being restored back to it's original state.


8 years ago

The building is back to the original footprint - new construction should begin shortly.


11 years ago

I also passed this place over the weekend, very active looking, many people on the property and it looked like there was some sort of construction going on at the Inn itself.


12 years ago

My wife and I spent our wedding night there 25 yrs ago.We were there last week and what a shame to be in such ruins.


14 years ago

What a shame this place has closed down. :(


15 years ago

I live a block from this place, and it is a beauty to walk around. Unfortunatly, fire distroyed the Studio which was going through some renovations.


11 months ago

you commented 14 years ago but joined in 2011... how?


11 months ago

15 years ago now