Ontario Abandoned Places will be rebranded as Ominous Abandoned Places

Foundry Building- Elora

Historic Location Mill/Foundry in Centre Wellington, Ontario, Canada

Mar 15 2010

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Recent status Historic Location
Location # 1200

Built in 1822 as the Potter & Matheison Foundry, this building once produced nuts & bolts. In the 1870's it produced farming equipment. In 1874 the building was damaged by fire. In 1916 the building was purchased by John Mundell who transformed it into "Mundell Kiddy Kar & Furniture Factory". In 1979 the factory was used as a set in the movie "An American Christmas Carol" starring Henry Winkler. It was gutted by a fire shortly after.


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4 years ago

Actually, its being categorized and disassembled and relocated 70m up the hill. There will be a trail going through it with historical placards and a roof. That can't be an easy job. Will be interesting to see the final product. Good on the community and builder to preserve such an important heritage resource. Changed status again..


4 years ago

Sucks its getting torn. I wish it could have been made to a public park like Goldie Mill in Guelph. Updated status to being demolished and cut a piece of the description for a ''''snippet''''.


4 years ago

This being torn down to make room for condos. :(


11 years ago

I love this place. I go walking there a lot. Very annoying when teenagers camp out there, though.


13 years ago

Hoping to see this on the weekend. Just what I want! Thanks. Jojobo123


14 years ago

I walked through this building a few times. It was used in the 1979 movie “An American Christmas Carol” as a furniture workshop, This made for TV movie that was filmed all over Elora and stared Henry Winkler “Yes, Fonzie was here” This building was burned down in the movie and I guess that only the shell remains. You can see the Elora Mill in the background across the river in some scenes of th


15 years ago

Great structure ~ as mentioned. It could be brought back - utilizing the outward as a framework & rebuild & reinforce for integrity.