10 years ago
Forgotten at Pilkington Overlook
Centre Wellington, Ontario
Centre Wellington, Ontario
Puslinch, Ontario
Guelph, Ontario
Centre Wellington, Ontario
Guelph, Ontario
Recent status | Demolished |
Location # | 10115 |
Abandoned and boarded up family farm house, in a park, owned by the city of Guelph and maybe soon to be repurposed and/or given heritage status or worse. Vacant since 2006. The council have been divided on this for years and renovating the farmhouse could cost between $200,000 and $500,000, while demolishing is estimated to cost between $150,000 and $300,000.
Read more: http://kitchener.ctvnews.ca/wilson-farmhouse-guelph-wants-public-input-before-final-decision-1.1529066#ixzz2udINtpOu
. A very, very, strange sight indeed, hidden in this modern suburb, next to swings, [like it was invisible to the developer] and no wonder I missed it for years. Its all boarded up but there are lights installed , in the basement too, and mind numbing wall paper that may hurt your eyes and no worries of being chased by a dog, neighbour, neighbours dog, yelled at or glared at sternly. A nice change that will be, eh? The power has been disconnected but they used a city vehicle with a generator, to power the lights,. It is named from the original settlers and the house is around 1850 on about 4 acres of land . Elevation 338 feet. Nice birthday find. FEB. 27 th..City of Guelph Open House...An extremely cold day and I was glad I had taken the outside shots already. Signed a waiver and was off. FOS, Trailblazer and friend showed up , that I saw, and also Motleykiwi and CTV. Each room had its own theme wallpaper, peeling, and pleasantly, NO graffiti or smell of mould. Someone did a good job building the built-in; beds, dressers and desks. The Victorian Steeple-tip hinges had great detail as well, even with several coats of paint. I met a structural engineer and a contractor here checking it for the city. The basement was frozen and gloves made little difference inside, but the lights were great . The sounds of animals in the walls were often heard. A smoke detector on the second floor was unwisely fixed on the wall, three feet below the ceiling! Thank you City of Guelph and its workers present this day for making this possible and good luck to this old house. Maybe one day we can compare this house, now, to the new renovations that are planned. Gee, I took 105 pictures just today...........................................................................................UPDATE: Fences up with a Notice for Demolition.
Update by f.o.s.
Demolished...see link. #!@%*
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Maybe, to honour its heritage, they'll make a park bench or a salad bowl out of it.
Demolished? Guelph Heritage has spent years saving it from demo. There were renovations planned. Now theyre just gonna tear it down? Ugh.
All boarded up with a fence around it now. Sign on the door says it's to be demolished.
Motleykiwi our galleries are almost identical except for the POV difference from our heights lol
True dat mobile lol the more the merrier...do they make fuel efficient Tahoes? Maybe I can squeeze 8 people into a souped up 1984 Rabbit. Big plans in the works haha
Yes ,yes you do, FOS, maybe lease a new Tahoe or look at an older one. They have come down in price and they allow more FRIEND room :)
Awww shucks trail I am positively blushing lol...and superss you didn't fool me for a second ;)
Someone actually walked out with something without being noticed?! Holy.. He let us stay til 1:30. Got my exteriors while he sealed er back up. Face and finger tips froze. I really liked this house, so much character. From what I saw on the newscast last night.. sounds like it will be saved. Indeed you do f.o.s. Even the Guelph city works worker spoke of you :-)
Mobile I'm always accepting charitable donations in the form of 2014 Tahoe's lol...and I look fabulous in anything pal!!
Some craphead scumbag took the silver creamer type container in the kitchen next to the 2006 calendar, on that table. I noticed it around 11am and it was gone at 1pm. Hey blazer what time did they kick you out? Hope you got all your shots, they gave us some grace time. Hey FOS, you look better in a Tahoe :)
Great to see you too Mobileworks, you're right it was freeeeeezing, I had some mild frost bite today on my hands! Aaah I knew I recognized that tall guy snapping pics in the fireplace room...Motleykiwi! Wish I had put two and two together. We were wandering around that place at the same time lol! If Darko had been there I would have got it :) PS I added the news link.
I spoke with the CTV journalist and he said there will be a segment about the house on tonight's 6:00 and 11:00 CTV Kitchener newscasts..
Inside pictures up, nice to see FOS and Trailblazer again. 96 car pile-up on Hwy 400 and nearly froze my face off just walking to my truck. -ridiculous*C with wind chill.
See you there , ya it was an odd site to see in the paper , an invite to an abandoned house but a great chance for basic members, I thought. The more interest the better for the future of the house. Bring a lunch , lol.
This place is great! I am definitely considering the open house, since I have no plans Thursday and Guelph isn't a far drive.
Thanks , and please let me know if you decide to abandon it, LOL !. Sounds nice , does your place still have the balcony from the second floor over the front door? This one is odd with nothing in the more common front entrance. The snow was deep in spots.
I'm pretty sure this was in here a couple years back, but no idea where it went. I pass it when visiting local clients. Nice to see it again.
ABANDONED OPEN HOUSE , YES ! Thursday Feb 27, 10am - 1pm join me PUBLIC EVENT in Guelph Mercury.
10 years ago
The demo cost is too close to the reno cost. SUCKS, but glad some of us got in on that very, very cold day. That wall paper will brighten up the dump. Thanks for the update and add Cerulean. A bad month for old buildings.