Ontario Abandoned Places will be rebranded as Ominous Abandoned Places

Leafs Fans Are Everywhere

Closed Recreational, Commercial in Toronto, Ontario

Jan 02 2023

 |  780
 |  1

A nice, quick little explore. Be careful when getting in! It's a bit of a squeeze followed by a short drop.

The power was still on in the kitchenette, and signs of what the building used to be are still there, but most of the interior has been tagged over. I can only imagine the nice little community centre it used to be...

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From Google Maps: September 2007.
Leafs Fans Are Everywhere - humberside_jul_2009.png
From Google Maps: July 2009. First signs of graffiti, though it still appeared to be open at this point..
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From Google Maps: August 2011. Some minor graffiti.
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From Google Maps: July 2017.
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From Google Maps: June 2018. First boards have gone up.
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Not ominous at all...
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Go Leafs Go!
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The one room with remaining power. A whole window had been knocked out.
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A panoramic view of the interior.


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