Ontario Abandoned Places will be rebranded as Ominous Abandoned Places

Lawn Bowling No More

Closed Recreational, Commercial in Toronto, Ontario

Aug 15 2022

 |  948
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The second I set foot in this place it sent a chill down my spine. I don't know what it was but it was an unsettling eerieness of some kind. I was only in the building for about 4-5 minutes total.

Trash in the corner
This is right after you come into the building
The main room of the facility
(My bad for turning the camera sideways)
The words clean words “Trap House” are written on the ceiling
This is the huge room right next to the entrance


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2 years ago

When I went in it was super hot in there its very uncomfortable. when I was leaving I accidentally broke the pipe to step on to get out so now the only thing to step on is this crappy old sink.