Ontario Abandoned Places will be rebranded as Ominous Abandoned Places

In the Dead of Winter + an overlooked detail!

Arson House in Vaughan, Ontario

Mar 05 2023

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Newly discovered Shed
Of all the times I've been here, I never knew this cabin was resting on the lower ground nearby the ruins.
Mossy growing from the rotting roofing
Mossy growing from the rotting roofing. Makes me wonder how long this' been here for.
In the Dead of Winter + an overlooked detail! - DSC03203.JPG
Pretty cozy to say the least, or at least it would have been cozy if they finished building it.
View of the roofing
seems quite sturdy, even in good condition despite it not being done.
Interior pic 2
Cabin seems unfinished
Exposed Walls
Exposed, unfinished framing can be seen alongside incomplete wall panels and what appears to be an open hole for ventilation tubes.
Insulation all over the floor
What a mess
Leftover building materials.
Leftover building materials. Theres a pallet board near the entrance I forgot to photograph it.
Half Hammered In Nail
Guess they never finished the job. Tons of these all around the exterior.
Charred framing studs still standing
I guess the extreme burning's left them weatherproof.
View amongst dead foliage
I still wonder when this place burned down.
More burnt remnants of the framing.
Had to have been a pretty cozy cottage based on the size of the foundations.
Raised section, also burnt to the ground.
Raised section, also burnt to the ground. I wonder what this part could have been?
Exposed Foundational Remains
Exposed Foundational Remains. Could be a staircase to the cabin below or just a part of the foundation.
In the Dead of Winter + an overlooked detail! - DSC03227.JPG


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