Unknown user
14 years ago
Sudbury, Unorganized, North Part, Ontario
Nairn And Hyman, Ontario
Sudbury, Unorganized, North Part, Ontario
Sudbury, Unorganized, North Part, Ontario
Sudbury, Unorganized, North Part, Ontario
I’m gonna just post my whole adventure because well ✨memories✨
Recently I went on a trip to the camp bison prison for the second time, my first being in 2020. Obviously going to an abandoned place for the second time, especially one like this, you’re going to want to try and find things you may have missed the first time.
That was originally my plan, along with taking pictures and making TikToks however most of the time was spent on edge running away from other groups in the building.
With this being my second time to the prison, I knew there were possible signs of people living there such as beds, blankets, pillows, canned food, etc and I couldn’t be sure who exactly it could have been.
The exact second we stepped though the front doors, we heard this strange creaking sound which yes could have been the building itself as it’s been closed for nearly 50 years but this sounded human. We’re 3 girls in an abandoned prison in the middle of nowhere, we’re eager to get in yet also on edge and immediately run out of the building to go around back instead. The first place we explored was the engine/power room. We continued to hear a squeaking noise which was easily put aside as some sort of metal on the building.
This room had three giant generators which were obviously used to power the prison. The one slight difference I noticed this time was that the stairs i used last time to get to the top platform were cut, it didn’t look as if they fell from natural decay, there were straight cuts across each stair (I didn’t take a picture) maybe to prevent some sort of injury.
Next, after the engine room, we decided to make our way into the main part. I’m not sure exactly what the room we entered was but there was what I believe to be an old destroyed barber chair tucked away in the back corner but I doubt the whole decently sized room was a barber shop.
Slowly but surely we made our way into the prisons cells. This is where things start to get interesting, the hall we entered first had a room at the end with a complete bed, tables, couches, food and even a dead plant in a pot. I remembered this from my last visit and still wasn’t sure if it was someone living in the prison or why else it would have been set up like that, maybe the owners for some unknown reason. Remembering this I mentioned it to the rest of my group and while looking down the hall, we convinced ourselves that we were seeing shadows in the rooms although I really don’t know if we actually were.
There was a staircase just around the corner from the room we were in so we made our way upstairs, away from the shadows. While we were up on the highest level (besides the roof) we heard two people come to the prison on ATV’s automatically we freaked out not knowing who these guys were. When they got closer to the building and parked outside, we decided to go into one of the cells and listen to what they were saying.
While listening, we heard them say “look there’s a girl, let’s go talk to her!” Assuming they were talking about us, we start running through the halls, trying to find a place to hide. We find a bigger room to stay in and try to listen for voices or footsteps. After a couple minutes, we heard their ATV’s again. I don’t know exactly where they went, if they just circled around the building or what but it was a slight moment of relief until they turned off again and this time we knew they were in the building.
Once again, we’re walking through the halls on the top floor trying to find another place to stay. Then we hear them under us, we make our way into a large room which has two small cell like rooms attached to it and thats where we stayed. We sat in the room huddled together as we heard them get closer. While we’re in this room we listened to their conversation and figured they were just exploring the same as we were (we did have a slight fear that they were the owner)
Eventually they entered the bigger room that was attached to the smaller room that we were in and I kid you not they were just on the other side of the wall 😂 We start debating about messing around with them, either jumping out at them or throwing small rocks or cans to freak them out but we were still hesitant. Once we heard them say they were going to the roof, that’s when we decided to throw a can out of the room. With the loud bang we heard them say “what the f***!”
Once we heard they were far enough away, we went back into the bigger room, they were in the theatre room which was next to the one we were now in. I’m gonna try and explain this as best I can😂 While we were on one side of our room, they were at the opposite side of their room, we heard them walk towards the side we were on (there was a doorway connecting the rooms on each side) so we walked to the opposite side of our room. We then heard them walking the same way we just did but in the other room so we walked back to the other side of our room but as we did, we crushed the already cracked tiles and the plastic blinds which made it impossible to not know we were there. We ended up breaking down laughing and met up with them in the hallway.
We knew already that there was another couple in the prison because we parked beside them and we had just yet to run into them. All three groups ended up meeting together, we were offered some drinks and we all went to the roof. Turns out we all live within 40 minutes of each other which considering this prisons 4 1/2 hours away, I found that pretty cool😂
We ended up talking a bit and then looked around to find any last minute places we’d want to take pictures before leaving, the hike back was just as dreadful as the hike there if not worse, our feet were sore from the little rocks on the path, by the time we got back to the train tracks, although we were walking towards them, it seemed as if we were getting further away. And to just make matters worse, it started raining too although that wasn’t terrible considering the heat just led to an annoying wet drive down the cliff filled road that made me genuinely concerned for the well-being of my car (Hyundai Elantra if that helps imagine the concern haha) truly don’t know how it survived that drive.