Ontario Abandoned Places will be rebranded as Ominous Abandoned Places

Party House!

Demolished House in Woolwich, Ontario

Dec 23 2021

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This house caught my eye while I was walking up the highway to get to Breslau.

Well, the house is actually mostly hidden by brush even at this time of year, but I caught a glimpse of a bit of graffiti and figured I might as well check to see if it's abandoned.

So glad I did! This house, although sealed up like Fort Knox, has a pool on the property which was a really cool find.

I actually think this is a popular local spot because I saw footsteps in the snow that seemed quite recent.

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A shot from far away. At first glance or while driving by, you might never even notice it's abandoned.
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What greeted me once I reached the top of the hill. I went up the wrong way because fuck being normal!
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Steps up to the pool
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The pool itself. I thought about what it might feel like to take that slide, but I am not suicidal.
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Part of the foundations leading to the house from the pool. The doorway is kind of reminiscent of a rich Latin style. You know, with the old ceramic tiling you find in bathrooms from the 1980s, but it actually would look good and not disgusting.
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Front door? Maybe? I know the pillar is in the way because I'm an idiot, but look at the bars. Reminds me of how the condemned buildings look in the game Dishonored.
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A weird garage type building that I'm not sure connects to the basement or not. I so wish I could have gotten inside to see what was there.
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Stairs. I'm sure in the summer this would be WAY more overgrown.
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The front view from the dirt pathway leading up to it.


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