Ontario Abandoned Places will be rebranded as Ominous Abandoned Places

What is a "Realtors Lock"?

Demolished House in Cambridge, Ontario

Oct 26 2020

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What is a "Realtors Lock"? - IMG_6292 scaled down.jpg
Not a great endorsement...
What is a "Realtors Lock"? - IMG_6289 scaled down.jpg
The front. Garage in the far left.
What is a "Realtors Lock"? - IMG_6290 scaled down.jpg
Bald tires. Just a bit past done-zo.
What is a "Realtors Lock"? - IMG_6222 scaled down.jpg
Theeasykaybreezy or Pikaswed420 made the joke that someone will remark I stole the bike eventually. My wheels make the odd album. More frequent as I get lazier. Hell my tripod has been in a few recently too.
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Sunlight thru the window at the back of the garage.
What is a "Realtors Lock"? - IMG_6217 scaled down.jpg
It would have been on the wall on the garage I found it on the floor of. This I did touch. The tape side was facing me.
What is a "Realtors Lock"? - IMG_6237 scaled down.jpg
The second entrance.
What is a "Realtors Lock"? - IMG_6229 scaled down.jpg
Main floor kitchen.
What is a "Realtors Lock"? - IMG_6227 scaled down.jpg
The HUGE windows that Theeasykaybreezy could see from the front. Room beside the garage.
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On the right open by the window, inside that is the ugly wallpaper.
What is a "Realtors Lock"? - IMG_6251 scaled down.jpg
Ugly wallpaper inside a tiny cupboard in the living room.
What is a "Realtors Lock"? - IMG_6231 scaled down.jpg
Dust. I probably didnt have to wear my mask but I wore it in the basement only and this dust was on the main floor. Hah.
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Main floor hallway.
What is a "Realtors Lock"? - IMG_6234 scaled down.jpg
Whole main floor bathroom.
What is a "Realtors Lock"? - IMG_6240 scaled down.jpg
Animal collage in the dreamcatcher room.


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