Ontario Abandoned Places will be rebranded as Ominous Abandoned Places

Camp Tillingwood

Demolished Recreational in Zorra, Ontario, Canada

Nov 09 2013

 |  3066
 |  0
Recent status Demolished
Location # 9864

Camp Tillingwood operated as a Girl Guide camp for girls between the ages of 11 and 14.

Last used in 2008


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4 years ago

Went yesterday (July 8 2020), still there and in alright condition. For those who don’t know there is (to my knowledge)- 2 old train carts, 2 washrooms, a storage shed, and what’s seems to have been like two main dining or activity halls. Property is owned by Lafarge- no trespassing sign out front cut off. Go check it out before it’s gone forever :,(


11 years ago

They should get some advice from the Colombians to move more of those crack cookies...


11 years ago

It's a shame the Guides are giving up all these camps just to stay afloat.