Ontario Abandoned Places will be rebranded as Ominous Abandoned Places

Wishes for Tomorrow

Demolished House in Fort Erie, Ontario, Canada

Oct 19 2013

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Recent status Demolished
Location # 9805

Whether the wishes were fulfilled or forgotten, we'll never know. Farm abandoned within the last year on Centralia. The stables still smell so freshly of animals that I shone my flashlight into the pens fully expecting to still find livestock. Currently there is only access to the rear workshop/garage, where enterprising local youth have started a paintball course. With an internal door leading to the rest of the house, it won't be long before they have it kicked in and all 2-storeys of the house decorated.

FUTURE EXPLORATION STATUS: Entire house unexplored. Check frequently for backdoor POE inside the garage.


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11 years ago

OMG gs that reminds me of that friggin Houdini sheep that scared the begeebes out of me at that one active place haha! You just never know what you'll find doing this stuff....nice job!