12 years ago
McVicar Pioneer Cemetery
Northern Bruce Peninsula, Ontario
Northern Bruce Peninsula, Ontario
Kincardine, Ontario
Brockton, Ontario
South Bruce, Ontario
South Bruce, Ontario
Recent status | Demolished |
Location # | 9721 |
An orange barn cat monitors this property, although he is a terrible housekeeper.
The location was most likely inhabited by a rather elderly person given several accessibility aids as well as the phone numbers on the wall in the kitchen. Most of the interior has been trashed, but the house is littered with little goodies, many of them decades old and long since expired.
As can be seen, every drawer, cupboard and cubby has been opened, which is unsurprising given how well-passed this house is being on Highway 6.
The rear barn is collapsed, but the main house is in reasonably good structural condition. Hard to say how long it has been abandoned, but 10-digit dialing in Ontario was mandated in 2006, so I would assume from the phone numbers that it was last used before then, but that is not, for obvious reasons, a foolproof deduction.
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A lovely little orange cat (nicknamed Bruce) gave quite the comprehensive property tour when I encountered him this past weekend.
LOL...I know eh. My mom has lived up there for a decade now & only once did I stop but so briefly. Pretty sure nobody case if you explore here but I'm usually itching to get to my destination & on the drive back I just want to get home.
Have meant to stop here many times...surprising it's not on here yet. Pretty high traffic too...
10 years ago
I was surprised no one else had. I didn't know if it was on the site or not when I spotted it. Glad I was able to offer something to the location!