Ontario Abandoned Places will be rebranded as Ominous Abandoned Places

Take a Hike Vandals

Demolished House in Richmond Hill, Ontario, Canada

Sep 16 2013

 |  703
 |  0
Recent status Demolished
Location # 9578

I found this location while on my way to see "King Road Duck Man".

I spotted it from the road, but wasn't sure if it was abandoned because it wasn't boarded up. I approached cautiously and made my way around back. I peered through the sliding door window and saw that the place was completely empty. I tried all doors around the back and thought I was out of luck until I noticed the front door's window had been broken. The door was locked, but that was easily overcome with a reach and a twist of the lock.

This place was pristine. Absolutely no graffiti or vandalism (aside from that window of course). The decor looked old and I came across some gorgeous fixtures throughout the house. Other than that the place was pretty empty, but it was nice to come across a house that hasn't fallen victim to vandals. I don't know any history on the house. I'm still figuring out how to go about searching for stories of people who once lived in these types of places. Any feedback or suggestions would be appreciated.

This place along with 4 others will fall victim to Richmond Hill's plans for yet another subdivision.


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11 years ago

This house is now demolished.


11 years ago

Actually, now that I think about it...I need to go back to this location. I think there's a few other neighbouring houses that might be abandoned too to make way for the housing development Richmond Hill has planned. Any takers??? I need a partner in crime.


11 years ago

@superss, You saw a "Miche" license plate??? Lol, damnit, they beat me to the punch. I drive a greyish van that's horrible on gas. HORRIBLE! @f.o.s. Luckily I haven't encountered any of those yet, but I'm sure it's only a matter of time. That's part of the thrill, you never know what you'll encounter. So long as I'm there with someone else, I feel safe-ish.


11 years ago

@ Miche, a ticket is usually the last thing on my mind! I'm more worried about squatters, skunks, rotten floors with sealed flooded basements (shiver), uncovered wells, and of course, psycho serial killers with confinement rooms built into a house.


11 years ago

Ahhhh, when I saw a white car creeping down the road by some abandoned looking homes that peaked my interest & then the personalized license plate I thought hmm, just a co-incidence or Miche.


11 years ago

@ Superss, Haha, close-ish! I was in Richmond Hill/King but I must go back to Milton. So much to see!


11 years ago

I love being the first to see a place, but yeah, safety first! I"m almost 30 and I"ve come this far without a criminal record. I'd like to keep it that way :P


11 years ago

I think I saw her driving around Milton about an hour and a half ago.


11 years ago

@ Miche, well done, you've got stones. As long as you're smart and safe about things, nothing wrong with being the first to see a place!


11 years ago

I was slightly terrified. I was just waiting for an alarm to sound, but my hunch was right!


11 years ago

Nice find.


11 years ago

RE: This place was pristine. Absolutely no graffiti or vandalism Not a spot of mold either. I thought there was decay in the one photo but it turned out to be the bathroom repair that nobody ever finished. Quite a daring explore with the obvious lack of age here... you're the real deal!