Ontario Abandoned Places will be rebranded as Ominous Abandoned Places

Jersey Canada - The Patch Farm

Demolished House in Vaughan, Ontario, Canada

Jul 10 2013

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Recent status Demolished
Location # 8221

I always meant to stop and ask them if I could take pictures of their barn. It was so beautiful. I was too late. I drove by one day and it was gone.

There are actually 4 houses on this property. One of which is historically designated, and will most likely be the only one to be preserved. This is an absolutely stunning location. It even has it's own lake. How awesome is that. This is on a major road in Richmond Hill. I parked across the street at Timmies and crossed the road. The construction equipment is there already. Time is short. I know that I am old, but I can still remember cows on this property. I believe that this is the additional property that Patterson (manufacturing) purchased.

http://meetingarchives.vaughan.ca/committee_2004/pdf/CWA0621_100.pdf (the only Vaughan council notes that I could find online)

All 4 houses were locked up tight and looking in the windows, everything has been removed and cleaned up. It appeared that the hydro may still be connected, but I was not sure. I was cautious in the event that there were working cameras. I don't think so, but you can never be sure.

Google maps shows the missing barn. It is no more.

G. MUNSHAW HOUSE Owned by Longyard Properties Inc., this one and a half storey structure was built in the 1820's and is protected from demolition due to its heritage properties. The architectural structure of the house represented the transition period from post and beam construction to balloon frame construction. It was moved from Concession 1 lot 44 in 1985 to its current location. The house itself was built for the Munshaw family, and George Munshaw's grandfather was one of the founding members of Richmond Hill.


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