Ontario Abandoned Places will be rebranded as Ominous Abandoned Places

Unwanted Visitor in Mulgrave

Demolished House in Fort Erie, Ontario, Canada

Jul 10 2013

 |  841
 |  0
Recent status Demolished
Location # 8219

But who was the real unwanted visitor? Me or the other guy?

One thing I admire about Google Maps is that it often includes place-names for burroughs, suburbs, villages, etc. that do not show up on many other sources. This large white house has clearly been abandoned for many years in, apparently, Mulgrave. But Mulgrave is really nothing more than the intersection of Highway 3 and Point Abino Road. If there was a historic village of some kind here, only this house and some farm buildings across the street must have comprised it.

I discovered this house after driving by it a few years ago and finding various members of the Ministry of the Environment doing some kind of formal assessment of the stream the property shares a bank with. It is a headwater tributary leading into Black Creek. I believe that the farm across the highway owns and maintains the property and thus it is not suggested that you park here.

An exploration of the house was cut short on the ground floor only. A pick-up truck arrived in the driveway and an elderly gentleman unloaded a few items into the barn. I probably could have continued exploring but was unnerved and quietly slipped out a side door and disappeared down the river bank.


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