Ontario Abandoned Places will be rebranded as Ominous Abandoned Places

Mountain Maple

Demolished House in Amaranth, Ontario, Canada

Jul 06 2013

 |  1065
 |  0
Recent status Demolished
Location # 8201

This place truly amazed me... How could you leave this!? Last known date Spring 2008. Great area, remote yet local. The wood work stunning, pocket doors... Take a gander! ;)


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10 years ago

is this house still instact???


10 years ago

Leveled, destroyed, gone!!! A damn shame, one of the most beautiful houses I have visited.


11 years ago

Thank you Rn'R! :)


11 years ago

Great place thanks for sharing. And your photography is really improving. Some great shots in there


11 years ago

Was here to visit again Wednesday around 4pm. Everything the same, no action other than myself.


11 years ago

Thank you Superss! :)


11 years ago

Very nice TGND.


11 years ago

I flicked switches everywhere in this house... Nothing lit up...


11 years ago

I think the last pic tells the tale...no hydro? Someone go flick a light switch, although that even isn't conclusive as we saw with Lakeshore Farm house and those creepalcious fluorescent lights.


11 years ago

We've asked ourselves several times with this one...is it or isn't it?


11 years ago

Great looking place.


11 years ago

make me think it was purchased by a developer... But still it sits untouched.


11 years ago

Sorry Trail... Gotcha! It would be right to assume it has not been damaged as it is on the outskirts of town and all you can see from the road is the attic portion of the "roof". The driveway was pretty terrible partially paved, partially limestone screening that has greatly washed away over time. Mould grows in various places throughout, mainly the main floor ceilings. The contents in the garage


11 years ago

Ya for all we know the owner could be living at the seniors complex just across the road or the one just down the road. There's a few right in this area actually. I thought I saw tire tracks in the snow at the beginning of this past winter.


11 years ago

great place, with the walk in bath tub you have to assume it was an elderly person who lived there last. Hopefully some family have the house and wont let it get much worse. It still almost looks move in ready.


11 years ago

This place is in such good shape, amazing it hasn't been damaged. Does it look like anyone tends the grounds at all?


11 years ago

Darn you beat me to this one Girl! Have been watching it for the past year and was finally convinced it was abandoned. Was planning on hitting it up real soon, like probably this week. Looks like a recent abandonment. Its beautiful inside! Nice woodwork and staircase. Excellent, excellent find! Beautiful house (minus the decay). Good job Girl :-)