Ontario Abandoned Places will be rebranded as Ominous Abandoned Places

The houses Rexall killed

Demolished House in Woodstock, Ontario, Canada

Aug 25 2009

 |  1936
 |  1
Recent status Demolished
Location # 803

These are sort of abandoned...

Two houses sit at the corner of a busy residential intersection. These houses have been vacant for well over a year and are deteriorating quickly. The first of the houses is a beautful older style home with had many fireplaces. The second, a modest one level home a little bit hidden from the road. They were kept up until the owners made offers they couldn(a)t refuse. Rexall had big plans to close their 2 small stores and create 2 large format stores. With the economy in great shape Rexall bought both the houses as well as a piece of land closer to downtown. They started building downtown, as they stripped many items from the houses for demolition. They even pulled the whole back of the smaller house down. They did all of this WITHOUT being approved for rezoning of the properties, and then they were DENIED by the city.

Since then, the 2 houses have sat there vacant. They have become vandalized, and left to sit as they (for the second time) are trying to appeal the zoning decision. Local residents are against it being built, and have not stopped speaking out against Rexall building here. Rexall let the fire department use the decent house for training once, but since then let the lots become so overrun by nature that the city forced them to clean it up.

The one house can be salvaged, and Rexall should cut their losses and sell it to someone who can restore it. Who knows what will happen with these semi-abandoned houses, so explore while you can!

**Feb/10 Now for sale! For only $898,000 (only sold together) you too can own 2 stripped houses (well, one house, and half of a house)!

September 8, 2012 - suspicious fire breaks out


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1 year ago

Now demolished 😭 I hate To see These places Get destroyed


12 years ago

Probation and some community service. Gas used as an accelerant. Darwin award nominees get off lucky.


12 years ago



12 years ago



12 years ago

LMFAO at the graffiti on the walls. Nice capture of this place!


12 years ago

Let's get cool in the pool.


12 years ago

Dead bees on the floor.


12 years ago

What is all over the floor in pic #5? Just mouse scats, or something weirder?