Ontario Abandoned Places will be rebranded as Ominous Abandoned Places

Hungarian Metal

Demolished House in Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada

May 31 2013

 |  848
 |  0
Recent status Demolished
Location # 7981

I don't even know where to start. This place was amazing and I would go back again anytime. I will leave the description to GS who does a great job ;)

From Ground State:

This property WAS one of the top three residential explorations of Niagara. The untouched, fully furnished house is filled with Hungarian antiquities, many of which are in pristine condition. This is a house with a very high re-visit value. Every drawer - every single inch of the place - holds new discoveries waiting for the next explorer, and it would be impossible to see it all in one visit.

Arpad Szabo was somewhat reclusive and had no children. His curiosity for designing things did not end with his aeronautical engineering career at Fleet Canada; this property is filled with custom metal work that includes bridges and weird rusting sculptures soaring up into the trees. The house itself is a custom-built, all cement structure with an interior that was never fully finished. Szabo preferred to adorn the unfinished walls with tapestries and live simple. If one can get over the tidal wave smell of dry rot and raccoon urine, they can take a peek back on the life of Arpad Szabo: airplane enthusiast, massive VHS and vinyl record collector, lover of books and starving-artist paintings, and definite enjoyer of a wide diversity of hard liquor.


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7 years ago

Thanks for the update, I'll change this to active now.


7 years ago

This location no longer resembles the one seen here it has since been remodled and looks fairly modern with nice landscapeing to boot. It is now very much lived in wish I could have seen it before this.


10 years ago

A man who said he was the owner, he seemed real pissed off, blocked our car right in. I guess lots of people kept breaking in.


10 years ago

Who caught you there and kicked you out??


10 years ago

Got shooed away from here.


11 years ago

That's too bad. Go back, jump in the dumpster & save all the awesome stuff.


11 years ago

I think this location may be no more. Went there yesterday and there was a car and truck in the driveway, as well as a large dumpster.


11 years ago

wow! Great work guys! How the hell have I missed this place


11 years ago

What an awesome place. Great find and fantastic shots!


11 years ago

Awesome find! So much to look at, I love the typewriter


11 years ago

Cool spot


11 years ago

Wow, very cool place.


11 years ago

Great find you guyz..