Ontario Abandoned Places will be rebranded as Ominous Abandoned Places

Dartmoor (forgotten hamlet)

Abandoned Ghost Town in Kawartha Lakes, Ontario, Canada

Jun 09 2009

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Recent status Abandoned
Location # 697

Dartmoor has vanished from modern mapbooks, but at one time was a post office, pioneer community with a schoolhouse (still standing) and Presbyterian church. Some of the old barns remain as well as an original log cabin/farmstead. It is located on the Monck Colonization Rd. at Lake Dalrymple Rd. in the former Township of Dalton.

The Township of Dalton is a former municipality located in the northwest corner of the former County of Victoria (now the City of Kawartha Lakes). It was named after Dr. John Dalton (1766-1844), an English scientist who had a lot to do with the beginnings of atomic theory.

Dalton Twp. has an extensive history in logging and colonization along the Old Monck Colonization Road. Villages in the Township include old logging/farming communities from the 1800s. These include: Sadowa, Sebright, Uphill (also on Monck Rd.), Ragged Rapids (ghost town) and of course, Dartmoor. All had been rural post offices. Settlers included the Thompsons, Gardiners, and Montgomery(a)s, who were mainly of Scottish/Irish Presbyterian backgrounds.

Back then, one of the most picturesque figures of the municipal history of the township was Joseph Thompson who was reeve for a quarter of a century. Thompson was a great hunter and many legends had been handed down concerning his prowess in the wilderness.

Dartmoor(a)s last postmaster was J. Johnson in 1911. Rural route mail delivery came soon afterwards.


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1 year ago

I drove past this just now. Roof Is fully caved in, there's a nearby house thats completely collapsed


6 months ago

Said house is collapsed now too lmao


13 years ago

I hope the bus arrives soon to pick up the guy waiting in the bus stop shelter!!! That was a fun shot! lol


13 years ago

Who would vandalize such a great house! Its history!


13 years ago

Had a tip about an ancient farmhouse on the NW corner of Dartmoor. Found and amazing place(see pics), very old, on the verge of collapse. The floor is gone, the house seems to be hovering over the old root cellar, most of the roof has collapsed, no way to safely enter the place, but lots of access to view what is left of the interior. This sits on an active farm, the barn and driveway are well