Ontario Abandoned Places will be rebranded as Ominous Abandoned Places

The Cole House

Demolished House in Clarington, Ontario, Canada

Apr 26 2013

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Recent status Demolished
Location # 6743

This use to be the "Cole" House. It is now the property of MTO and it's fate will be demolition which will happen within the next few weeks to make room for the new 407 expansion. The house is of heritage value and is in remarkably good shape on the inside despite being abandoned and boarded up for years. The wood flooring original to the house is intact and gorgeous, the house is very stable, if you'd like to view this house for yourself I'd recommend doing it very soon.


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8 years ago

this has been demolished so sad


11 years ago

Great stone house what a shame it will be demolished for a large patch of asphalt to take it's place.