Ontario Abandoned Places will be rebranded as Ominous Abandoned Places


Demolished House in Milton, Ontario, Canada

Apr 03 2013

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Recent status Demolished
Location # 6605

I've seen this location before but didn't stop until today. The house is tightly boarded up and looks like it's been abandoned for a while. The storage building next to it is locked up as well and it looks like somebody might still be keeping things in there. There was an suv parked on the property with the plates still on but it doesn't look like it was moved recently. The camper out back was interesting, all open to the elements. There are train tracks in the field southwest of this property. As I was there I watched an excavator working past the train tracks and felt sad... All these farms are disappearing, being replaced by rows upon rows of cookie cutters. I actually missed an awesome shot opportunity when the train rolled through the empty fields and entered development area... it literally became sandwiched between one row of cookie cutters and the next. It was quite a sight!


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7 months ago

This place was demolished in 2020


11 years ago

Cheaply built cookie cutters coming right up!


11 years ago

The address used to be 6300 First Line, but Milton has been doing a lot of name changes with the addition of a trillion new homes. It is now 1220 Bronte St. South. I stopped by there a few times in the winter & there were very recent tire tracks in the snow leading to the storage building. No signs of anything with the house though.