13 years ago
Taras Shevchenko Park
Oakville, Ontario
Oakville, Ontario
Oakville, Ontario
Oakville, Ontario
Oakville, Ontario
Oakville, Ontario
Recent status | Demolished |
Location # | 6521 |
These are 5 homes that are on Ontario St. South in Milton. The home I have used for the marker is # 405, there are 4 other homes just south, 415, 425, 435 & 445. I have heard there is a proposal for town-homes or duplexes to be developed.
The homes seem to be pretty secure & are on an open & busy street. The back yards are less open to the public & the lots are deep, probably about 400', but they do not have a great amount of coverage. They back onto a small ravine & trail so no backing on to neighbours. The homes appear to be in very good shape, a few of the homes have swimming pools & one of the homes has their own private tennis court. They would probably be pristine for an exploration, but none of the homes were inviting me in. Hurry up & wait.
I am just getting my information on future plans, but I don't anticipate anything happening too quickly. If what I heard is true the developer would probably like to add another 6 homes. There may be another 2 or 3 already bought up, but the homes abutting the original 5 still are occupied.
I'll make updates as I get them.
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Drove by this group of homes today. Two fire trucks parked in driveways & fire fighters casually checking out the properties. Probably checking to see if they are sealed properly. I assume the owners will be getting an order soon to reseal everything up.
I had similar thoughts RNRF, I generally like older homes, then when the boarding went up I thought it's time to put it on the site. Re: Yard sizes, The developers are looking out for the residents, they don't want people to have to work so hard cutting grass.
Seems this is happening a lot lately......soon these homes will meet the same demise as the homes on Glenanna in Pickering :(
I've been considering visiting and posting these places for over a year, I even got inside one of them last year but the one I went in was so plain and boring that I didn't bother even shooting. Hopefully they'll start to peel off a bit and make for some good shots
Too much green space for 5 family's. Might as well pave it over and build high density housing!!!
10 years ago