Ontario Abandoned Places will be rebranded as Ominous Abandoned Places

The Big Lobaskie

Demolished House in London, Ontario, Canada

Mar 25 2013

 |  1375
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Recent status Demolished
Location # 6514

This was the home of Victor Peter Lobaskie and his wife Rita. The couple may have immigrated to the USA, arriving in New York from the UK.

Victor was a member of the Royal Arch Masons during the late 1960's. Victor also played saxophone in a band during the 1930's.

Rita passed away in 2007 at the age of 81. Victor would have likely passed away during the same decade.

During the mid 2000's their son Brian requested deductions in the property tax assessment value of the home. It could be assumed that the condition of the home had deteriorated by this point resulting in an improper tax assessment.

An application was made in 2005 for a demolition permit however the house still stands. During an inspection conducted Sept. 20, 2005 the house was found to require painting of the outer wood trim, a new roof and the ceilings be repaired.

The ceiling has collapsed and insulation covers the floor. There is graffiti on the front and back of the house, as well as satanic graffiti in the basement. Lots of items remain inside.


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11 years ago



11 years ago

I just drove past and the place is all gone.


11 years ago

If I was to guess a time just by the stuff that could be seen. I'd say early 80's was the last time it was lived in.


11 years ago

Great find Phrenzee!!


11 years ago

Fascinating! Given the location and the external shots, the place doesn't seem old enough for the entire ceiling to have collapsed. Unless the level of moisture/humidity in this house was absolutely sky high. Wonder what the cause was.


11 years ago

Well that certainly is a hell hole, pun intended.