13 years ago
Taras Shevchenko Park
Oakville, Ontario
Oakville, Ontario
Oakville, Ontario
Oakville, Ontario
Oakville, Ontario
Oakville, Ontario
Recent status | Demolished |
Location # | 6409 |
A 32,000 square-foot mansion set on 5.7 acres of prime Lakeshore property. It was listed at $45,000,000 and sold for $35,000,000. Built by Mattamy Homes president Peter Gilgan in 1994. The original home that was on the property for over 80 years was torn down in 1992. The property still includes the original boathouse and greenhouses.
The property included a massive Georgian-style mansion, boathouse, four-car garage, pool, private pebble beach, its own baseball diamond and 300 metres of shoreline.
The 32,000-square-foot house contained 17 bathrooms, 20-seat-theatre and spa.
Demolition is taking place to make way for 30 condominiums, priced from $2.7 million to $6.9 million and ranging in size from about 2,700 to 5,500 square feet.
Several heritage artifacts on the property, including a gardener's cottage, stable, teahouse, greenhouse and boathouse will be restored and preserved.
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Went to check out this place today: gone :( A small little part of the house still stands, but the rest is gone. The area now houses a few million dollar smaller estates
I posted a few pictures on my blog of what it's going to look like soon. http://urbexdiaries.blogspot.ca/2013/07/edgemere-estate.html
I don't this this place is being demolished, but maybe re-purposed to fit with the condos they're putting up. Such a shame.
Nevermind going Sunday.. It better still be there. Or some of it at least :'(
omg this place is AMAZING I want to make a trip out so bad before this place is gone.
Evman, lol I did the same thing on my first visit. I drove right inm parked amongst the workers cars and just walked around, even went in the house. haha!! Ninja!!
Stopped by the other day. Looks like they're doing work on the mansion again. There was a bunch of cars parked right in front of it with men in hard hats walking around. They were using the gate right in front on Lakeshore. Fortunately, they left it wide open so I was able to wander in and walk around the grounds without anyone noticing. Didn't bother trying to get in though, looked like they we
Rock and Roll b&a photo set was the bees knees. Thanks! By the looks of it we could have all had an OAP meet and greet here:P
As with Doom, I knew this place would be grand central this weekend. I made my trip on before the weekend rush with almost two hours until the sun set. There was only one car on site and that person seemed to be in the front out building. It's a great explore as there are so many rooms, I went with the intention of doing a before and after set and then ended up taking many other shots as well.
Ha knew this would happen...people might want to space out the visits a bit, huh? Maybe we need a scheduler.
Stopped by today and there were workers cars parked on the main driveway so we didn't get a chance to go on the property. There are a few condos already built to the left of the mansion.
Amazing yet so ugly! LOL Does anyone know when it is set to be demolished? I can see they have started on the interior not sure about the rest though, was just curious if it's worth my wild to make a trip up there to see it sometime this month?
The ex-wife got the house as part of the divorce settlement and when she found out the cost of upkeep every year, she put it up for sale. Sadly Mr Gilgan had no say, with regards to the home and property, although I don't think financially he's hurting much.
Well Doom & Phrenzee, you guys finally did it: you posted something that got my wife to sit down at the computer and check it out. As soon as she caught wind of the price tag of this place, and heard me hint at the horrific style choices in the place, she had to see if for herself. Bravo!!
Found a few more historic pics of the original house, I'm posting them in the links section.
This place is amazing. Rumour has it that when the house was first built they had to have it partially gutted and redone to the tune of more millions because the wife was allergic to something in there.
I agree with that doom. I'd take the older home in a heart beat. Now, with the new 30 $3-6 mill. "townhouses", it just means more pretentious asses in Oakville.
They should have left the original mansion in place. This thing is a 1990's vomitorium straight out of Fresh Prince of Bel Air.
Product of a divorce. It apparently was costing the ex wife a million dollars a year to upkeep it. She 'downsized' elsewhere. At the least I've read that the city will own the land at water's edge and it's supposed to be a public space.
What a beautiful spot its a tragedy to tear down a place like that to put up a concrete box full of crappy codos. Unreal. Does anyone else agree that condominium is just a prettied up word for apartment? My sister lived in a condo in Vancouver and it was a horrible experience.
Holy @#$* phrenzee!! Go big or go home! The bar has been raised.....again! Makes you wonder what the original house looked like before they knocked it down.
You buy a property for $35,000,000, then you tear down a 20 year old 32000 square foot mansion. If that makes sense to condo developers, then they are thieves & are making way too much money.
6 years ago
What an obnoxious display of wealth. McMansion x 100