Ontario Abandoned Places will be rebranded as Ominous Abandoned Places


Abandoned Commercial in Addington Highlands, Ontario, Canada

Feb 24 2013

 |  1866
 |  0
Recent status Abandoned
Location # 6335

Two local businesses, one motel and two gas station and variety stores abandoned in Kaladar.

OPP station across the street

From trespasseverywhere: Whomp! This motel is totally RIP. Only finds of note include the baby carriage tossed in the gaping hole, and the rotting packages of Jell-O.

Sidenote, why do abandoned places always leave packs of jello? I feel like I find jellos everywhere I go, as if an entire generation permanently abandoned their homes purely to escape their jellos. Perhaps the jellos are only haunting me personally and they are imperceptible to others. Or I'm the jello whisperer, and the jellos reveal themselves to me out of a reverence for my gift. The jellos deserve our respect.


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12 years ago

We took hwy 7 to Ottawa this weekend. There is something to see almost the whole way. We where running late so I was lucky to take the long way. no stops. There is a really interesting trailer just west of here.


12 years ago

agree with superss


12 years ago

I think this could be a great excursion.


12 years ago

I used to pass by there all the time going to the grandparents. Sometimes when I go to Ottawa I like to take hwy 7 as the long way. I think I will need to next time. There is a lot of this kind of thing since the 416 was built. No real reason to go the back roads anymore. Well I still do.