Ontario Abandoned Places will be rebranded as Ominous Abandoned Places

Collingwood Terminals

Historic Location Industrial in Collingwood, Ontario, Canada

Feb 16 2013

 |  3530
 |  1
Recent status Historic Location
Location # 6299

This imposing structure can be seen for miles around Collingwood and symbolizes the twin engines of commerce in the early 1900's, agriculture and shipping.

In 1899, the Collingwood Council identified the need to erect a Modern elevator, but due to low water levels, construction was delayed until 1929, when the Federal government agreed to pay for dredging.

The two million bushel grain elevator has bins 100 feet high and 22 feet in diameter. The steamer MUNISING arrived in September 1929 with 228,000 bushels of American grain, the first shipment for this important new structure, the third grain elevator in Collingwood's growing economy.

Grain service stopped in 1993, ending 64 years of operation for the cement elevator and 123 years of grain trade in Collingwood. The terminals, now owned by the Town of Collingwood, continue as a modern day landmark and will be an important part of the future redevelopment of Collingwood Harbour.


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8 months ago

you can get on the basement level of it fairly easily, but the way to get upstairs is locked. they installed a new security system about 2 years ago with new cameras and infrared light to see at night time. last year a group of kids got caught in there and since then there has been active security as far as i know.


2 years ago

I've been to that park countless times but I've never actully gone into the terminal. Has anyone seen the inside?


5 years ago

It looks like the city is considering demolishing it (they''ve gotten quotes from several companies) because the cost of fixing it up would be so significant and each year it''s deteriorating further. I haven''t been able to find anything newer than this article from last year (2018), but this says City Council will be making a decision about it sometime this year. https://www.simcoe.com/news-story/8695334-costs-to-repair-collingwood-s-iconic-grain-terminals-could-top-10-million/


6 years ago

Might have to get out there with the drone


8 years ago

Has anybody gone here recently?