Ontario Abandoned Places will be rebranded as Ominous Abandoned Places

Bloomfield Cemetery

Historic Location Cemetery in Milton, Ontario, Canada

Feb 14 2013

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Recent status Historic Location
Location # 6296

Bloomfield Cemetery was established on 26 September 1835 when Richard Bloomfield donated the land on the corner of his farm for both a cemetery and a church site. The original deed reads: "This indenture made this 26th day of Sept 1835. Witnesseth that I, Richard Bloomfield of the Township of Trafalgar, County of Halton, and District of Gore, yeoman, of the first part, doth and by these presents doth for himself, his heirs, executors, administrators and assigns, for every one of them both in law and equity, lease the lot or plot of ground on the south-east corner of Lot No 13 on the Sixth Concession of the Township of Trafalgar, New Survey, now occupied as a burying ground for the term of 999 years, to Andrew Cunningham, William Forest Snr and Allen McDougal, trustees for said burying ground of the second part, or to their successors in office, for the above term of nine hundred and ninety-nine years on the following consideration. First, the said burying ground to be used for that purpose and nothing else, and second, that the above mentioned trustees shall not prevent or hinder directly or indirectly the building or erecting a house of worship of Almighty God, on the following limitation or conditions if built. First to be for the use of the Canadian Wesleyan Methodists and to be open for other denominations when not occupied by said Methodists, with free access to it at all times in and for the consideration, to be paid yearly when demanded of each of the trustees. In witness whereof I set my hand and seal this 26th day of September, 1835." Witnessed by Robert Cunningham and Alex Alderson and signed by Richard Bloomfield, Andrew Cunningham, William Forest and Allan McDougal.

A wooden church was built in 1836 serving as a Methodist Church until about 1876 when a new church was built at Hornby. The old Bloomfield Church was split in two to build two driving sheds on neighbours farms.

In 1963 the Oakville Cemetery Board restored the old cemetery, setting some stones in concrete. The cemetery is now in the care of the Town of Milton.

Note: In 2008 dozens of whole and broken gravestones were seen piled along the south perimeter under lilac trees.


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