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Demolished House in Oakville, Ontario, Canada

Dec 05 2012

 |  149
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Recent status Demolished
Location # 5921

The house itself is tightly boarded up and the property is currently being used as a vehicle storage lot for a car dealership. The property is also surrounded by a barbed wire fence with at least one pole mounted camera. Not much else is known about the house or its previous history.

Added By superss 20 May 2014

In 1837, Upper Canada granted this land patent to Edward Cornwall, the 100 Acre plot initially stretched as far north as Upper Middle road. He also owned another 3 farm properties in the area that ranged in size from 100-150 Acres. There is a road one block south of this property that runs through a part of Oakville named Cornwall Road. Although Cornwall had a house on this property, his home was on the northern portion near Upper Middle Road. Over the years the land was divided & a number of different owners had their time on this portion of the land.

This house was built around 1880 by the 3rd owners of the land, David & Agnes Caroline Winters. Once again this property changed hands until Alf & Mary Nielsen purchased it in 1945 and raised their 5 children on this property. They held this land the longest of any previous owners & in 2008 Mary sold the property to Rego Developments & Construction Ltd for $585,000.

There really isn't much too significant of the property, other than it is one of the few remaining homes of the area known as Sheridan which lost it's small town feel & virtually disappeared with the creation of the QEW, which cut through the town.

In March there was a request for demolition submitted. There has been a heritage assessment & the house will be removed from the Heritage List & a demolition permit will be allowed once some conditions are met. One being the creation of a commemorative cairn made from the lakestones that created the foundation of the original portion of the home.

Over the years this place has been locked up pretty tight. I was not able to get interiors of the property, only exteriors. The door to access the house seems to be nailed or screwed shut, it wouldn't budge. I do have some interior pictures from the Heritage Assessment that I will include. I could not find any claims of copyright. If someone wants them removed or if anyone else gets interiors I will happily remove these.

I really don't expect this house to be around much longer.


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6 months ago

house is long gone


11 years ago

That's the Cornwall house.


11 years ago

I see this place on the GO Train every day, I actually see a few spots of interest along the Lakeshore West line1


11 years ago

What a strange place for a house.. Right in the middle of a parking lot! Or, the parking lot is in a strange place lol