Ontario Abandoned Places will be rebranded as Ominous Abandoned Places

Malton Mayhem

Demolished House in Mississauga, Ontario, Canada

Nov 17 2012

 |  1216
 |  0
Recent status Demolished
Location # 5828

Junky old place, on a busy street. Sign on the door says "Danger Buildings are Subject to Demolish". Big truckloads of dirt cover the driveway and back yard. I've never seen so many unopened cans of food in one house before. They are everywhere, in every room. Hundreds of them. Even upstairs in the bedrooms. A dead squirrel lies motionless in the living room, I didn't include it's picture because I didn't want to flag it as "Adult Content" or offend any animal lovers out there.

Update 2/1/17

All three locations were demolished in June 2014

  • Zenit.


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10 years ago

I'm pretty sure this is demolished. If someone nearby could check it out to be sure that would be awesome! Looks like it's just an orange safety fence and empty lot left.


12 years ago

Definitely a very weird place. Lots of interesting leftovers (no, I don't mean the cans!).


12 years ago

Awesome find!


12 years ago

Maybe it starved to death cuz it couldn't find the can opener..