Ontario Abandoned Places will be rebranded as Ominous Abandoned Places

Beautiful Old Beater

Demolished House in Georgian Bluffs, Ontario, Canada

Oct 25 2012

 |  551
 |  0
Recent status Demolished
Location # 5683

This particular tour day put to rest a bunch of spots that I had passed by many a time. I drive by this house each time I head up to the Bruce P and back, but due to time constraints, the company I was with or my mood I had never stopped in. Glad I finally did. These old beaters are my favourite. Love the tattered insulbrick with old gray revealing itself. A few contents to add interest. Vintage wallpaper. It's in the tones of the old plaster that I find my happy place. This particular house is much bigger on the inside than it seems on the outside. Right at a fairly busy rural intersection.


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12 years ago

Ah Doom, you beat me to it! I was going to message you to see if these were on here already!


12 years ago

K seems he also did the hoarder house. I'm gonna ask OAP to roll them all into just Grey County.


12 years ago

Loc 1368 I remember Gator1 does alot of stuff around here so I went through his galleries and voila. Located in Georgine Bluffs.


12 years ago

Cool...I just went through the entire Bruce again, and swear it's not there! I had OAP condense some stragglers in Grey together. Did a map search, name search...the whole 9 yards!


12 years ago

Will change the existing loc when found.


12 years ago

Its on the grey side of grey Bruce line so dump the existing in grey county k?


12 years ago

I looked pretty thoroughly through the db and couldnt find it lol. Nah, add to the existing I want to see where it was listed and if it has coords.


12 years ago

Sorry Doom already been found and it wasn't me. Nice pics and I will keep this up here for a day or two so everyone can see. It's in Bruce County which is probably why you didn't find it. I thinkl G.S. may own it.


14 years ago

That was on my to-do list. Very distinctive side window, from the road.