Ontario Abandoned Places will be rebranded as Ominous Abandoned Places

Lambeth Country Home

Demolished House in London, Ontario, Canada

Oct 01 2012

 |  1497
 |  0
Recent status Demolished
Location # 5550

Abandoned house south of Lambeth.


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9 years ago

Recently demolished.


10 years ago

Was there today and took almost 200 pics on this property alone!!!


10 years ago

First location I have been to since I found this website, and I had so much fun. Can't wait to visit more. :D


11 years ago

good eye. Hey , Brenda could you post the gps coordinates, for this and locations in future so it shows up on the search map, thanks. I found one on Westminster drive on the other side and would have checked this out but I didn't know it existed :( , thanks. I had an o.p.p. on my butt, as well, when leaving my location on Westminster drive and was watching him instead of looking for houses, lol.


12 years ago

Anyone check out the attic?


12 years ago

yw finz


12 years ago

I have had my eye on this place for some time now. Good to see the inside. Thanks!


12 years ago

You've got the right stuff. Keep on keepin' on


12 years ago

i have driven by this house for awhile to make sure it was abandoned and it had no one been there so my son and i went in the house we didnt go upstairs but plan on returning to take pics of the upstairs as well