Ontario Abandoned Places will be rebranded as Ominous Abandoned Places

Queenston Auto Parts

Demolished Commercial in Mississauga, Ontario, Canada

Aug 18 2012

 |  73
 |  0
Recent status Demolished
Location # 5233

A former auto parts shop. There are some interesting things in the sheds. Inside is mostly empty, mostly just office equipment.


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2 months ago

Now a church


8 years ago

Google maps shows the location listed as "Rick Place Auto Centre" which means this likely will not be abandoned for very much longer, it may even be open already.


8 years ago

I'm not sure what the future holds for the building, based on what I saw it looks like it is being repurposed. The floors have been torn up on the main level, some minimal construction equipment is out in front of the main entrance but there is still power to the building. I've added a few photos.


9 years ago

May as well make it public now. It's going to be torn apart very shortly, if it hasn't already been.


9 years ago

Passed by here today, and there is an excavator in the parking lot. Looks like it may be torn down soon.


11 years ago

No more vehicles at all I don't think.


11 years ago

Is the boat still there?


11 years ago

I've been there just recently, and found out a little more about this place. Apparently, the guy across the street was the former owner, and he sold it to a nearby school, possibly to be used as a co-op area or something. Sadly, the cars are gone, (someone also stole the cash register) and there's trash everywhere, mostly wooden piles.


11 years ago

They're not even there anymore.


11 years ago

Are they plated?


12 years ago

I wouldn't say the cars are abandoned. Maybe they're not used every day but I'm sure they take them out from time to time.


12 years ago

So the cars are all just abandoned?


12 years ago

I remember when this place was a lumber/hardware store. That giant log used to sit out front on the left side of the doors.


12 years ago

Nice find and great pic's


12 years ago

Maybe that guard is still there he just fell asleep . lol